Features and Tips

Quick Start Guide to StockMotion:

So you just downloaded StockMotion and you are getting the hang of it. Now what?

Let's explore some features and learn some tips.

We are first and foremost an investing game so if

you want to get the most out of StockMotion, just do these things that experienced investors. Also gain experience or XP every time you do these things to simulate your growth in knowledge.

  • Buy low. When you hear or see that prices are dropping; buy, buy, buy.

  • Sell High. When you see prices are rising, sell, sell, sell. You are making a profit since you are selling for more than you spent to buy the stock.

  • If you follow these tips, you will not only make more money but you will gain more XP in the form of a profitability bonus alongside the standard trade bonus.

So we do not believe in instant gratification when it comes to cash but we do believe in gradual earning knowledge everyday.

We represent that in daily experience (XP) gain. Login in everyday to gain XP dependent on these criteria.

Buy and Hold


The more you buy, the more stocks you hold, the more you hold and the longer you keep them, then the more XP you will gain.


You have probably heard the expression "don't keep all your eggs in a basket". We are repeating it "don't buy all your stocks from one sector". The more different kinds of stocks you buy, the more XP you will gain.


Yes you want to buy stocks but it's also important to keep spending money on reserve. This is a smart investing principle because though it doesn't earn you more money necessarily you never when you are going to need that money for emergencies. So the more cash you don't spend on stocks, the more XP you get.


Are your stocks doing good? Then you get more XP, congratulations! This one may seem like its random just as the actually stock market seems like but we will give you tools that will help you make informed decisions about if a stock that is doing poorly now, will do better in the future.

Game Features of StockMotion

Skill Tree

 As you gain XP you will eventually gain enough to level up and earn skill points. Spend your skill points to gain more tools to help grow on your investing journey.

Daily and Weekly Challenges (Weekly Challenges coming soon)

As you take on these short challenges to test your knowledge about the market (you can do these multiple times in case  you get them wrong) you will gain more XP and come out knowing more.

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